Solaris pca tool

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View 9 View 30 View 60 View 90 Showing of Ambulatory Infusion Disposables. Showing of Live Chat Login here. One patch, groups of patches, or all missing patches. Start it, let it run, and return to a fully patched system. Set up a local patch server and speed up downloads tremendously.

It's fast: Generating a complete patch report takes just a few seconds. It's small: One file, ca. Makes understanding and modifying the code for your own needs easy. It can assist in staying informed about firmware and other unbundled patches. All the information about a machine needed for analysis can be read from files, so you can use PCA even if it doesn't run on the target machine.

There's an auto update mechanism to keep PCA itself up-to-date. Comments are welcome - send them to the PCA mailing list. The workaround for this problem is to compute basic authentication data in pca and force it upon SunSolve with wget's --header option. I don't like the workaround hacks, but it was the only method in my experiments to make wget v1. Sun should really get their act together and give us a stable, reliable and standards conforming interface for hands-off downloads.

Thanks to everybody who provided support and feedback with this issue. This seem to be due to a change in wget Only send authentication credentials after we've received a challenge from that host. Using wget v1. This is a real pity.

If anyone finds a workaround, please let me know. It seems as if a free Sun Online Account is required to download patchdiag. It also mentions pca. This can be caused by the web server apache which kills the CGI script if it runs too long without any output. Luckily, apache has a Timeout option to be set in the httpd. It's set to seconds by default. For large patches, you might want to raise this to seconds or higher and restart apache.

Thanks a lot to Dominique Frise for pointing me at this. Thanks for the plug! See PCApatch. Seems as if the issue has been fixed. Another interesting change is that the patchdiag. I have already modified the development release of pca to try accessing the xref file both with and without SOA data. Let's hope this means that Sun has finally fixed the problems. I and others came up with a temporary workaround. Unfortunately this file contains HTML markup, and can't be used directly by pca without some post-processing.

I have created a script getxref which downloads the file and removes the HTML markup, saving the result in a patchdiag. I thought about putting the most current version of the patchdiag. Update : Later this day once again old revisions of the file were handed out. It's still broken. It seems as if sunsolve connects to an internal FTP server through a squid proxy, and the authentication has been messed up.

To clarify - both this FTP server and the squid proxy are components of the SunSolve service - this is not a problem with your local infrastructure. As always, the problem has been reported to SunSolve staff and awaits salvation. The SunSolve staff knows about it, and promised to look into it. I reported it to Sun. Update : The correct patchdiag. Besides that, I want to make it clear again that problems with downloading any file patchdiag.

Until Sun gets their act together, I recommend re-trying failed downloads either by re-running pca or using the dltries option to make pca try downloads multiple times. It's not possible to download the patchdiag.

Strangely enough, it still works through a web browser. Sun must have implemented a procedure which disallows unattended download of the file to ensure their legal information is being read and accepted.

For now, please specify a Sun Online Account by using the user and passwd options either on the command line or in a configuration file. I will probably modify pca to enforce this in the future. If you haven't done so yet, go and get a free Sun Online Account. See Installation for details. Update : The development release does not try to download the patch cross-reference file from sunsolve. The askauth option has been modified to ask for SOA data whenever it is needed.

There is a new version scheme, consisting of the date in ISO format plus a serial number. The same scheme is used for official and development releases. The documentation is now included in POD format in pca. There are some enhancements to pca in proxy mode. You can setup a cascade of local proxies by pointing one proxy at another. The xrefdir and patchdir are honored now in proxy mode, so you can keep the cache directory out of the document root of your web server and use an existing cgi-bin directory.

Debugging a proxy is simplified; when the debug option is set, debug output will be written to a file. It requires patch to be installed, which requires patch via its prepatch script again. Patch has been obsoleted by , though.

So at the end requires , which requires itself. The problem has been reported to Sun. Until they fix it with a new revision of either or , you can try to workaround the issue by installing the obsolete patch manually. Update : Sun describes the problem in bug report They recommend to install as well. The same issue exists on the x86 platform, with patches , and A second problem that has shown up today is that patch has been marked as bad patch and has been reinstated.

As SunOS 5. There's a similar issue for the x86 patches and Update : The problem has been fixed with the release of and Attention : The current version of pca has a bug in its --safe option. If a patch installs more than a few hundreds of files and some of them contain a comma in their name esp. If you use --safe, please get the development version of pca , which fixes this bug.

Sorry if this has caused problems. Background: The pkgchk command used by pca for the --safe option is horrible. When feeding path names with -p, the path names must not contain commas. In both cases, a maximum of path names can be fed at once. I have received reports that this doesn't work with some proxy servers. I have now reverted back to the old mechanism in the development version of pca.

Please use that if you experience problems with the recent official version. Thanks to all who reported this, especially Sean Walmsley who provided in-depth information. Even more, there are pre-installed patches which have not been released through the official patch channel yet.

The most notable of these is This seems to be the next kernel patch, and it obsoletes a lot of patches currently available, SunOS 5.

Most system administrators including me think it's not a good idea to include application patches into the kernel patch. Obviously Sun begs to differ. New functionality is available with two new options: The --format option can be used to specify pca's output format. Quite handy when post-processing output from pca; see Usage for more detail. The --force option, when used on a pca client in combination with a local caching proxy pca-proxy.

The problem is known to Sun; there's now a note showing on SunSolve telling that they are working on it. In the meantime, make sure you are checking pca's news page from time to time. If further changes are necessary, they always show up first in the development version of pca. The current version also contains a fix for the long-standing problem of the Sun Online Account username and password showing up in the process list when downloading files from SunSolve.

A pca user thanks, again pointed me at a workaround using wget's -i option and a temporary file. Without SOA data, pca fakes a cookie via wget's --header option which makes sunsolve. During testing, I noticed that sunsolve. It returns HTTP internal server errors from time to time. I modified pca to try any failed download including patchdiag.

The default is still 1. The current state of all fixes is available in the development version of pca. And Sun did it again - there have been some modifications to sunsolve. A first attempt to fix the issue is available in the development version of pca.

If the fix doesn't work for you, please report back to me. Unfortunately, Sun's download server seems to be a little flakey, too. Patch downloads seem to fail from time to time.

You might be able to workaround this issue by setting pca's --dltries option to something higher than 1. Thanks to all of you who reported the problems, and provided fixes or workarounds.

In the next days, I will try to get out a new release of pca which should fix the mentioned issues and I'll reply to the messages which I received while I was gone. Messages will be answered when I'm back. The article is a great introduction for new pca users as well. I'd be happy to get my hands on a printed copy of that magazine for my wall of fame.

If you have it, and are willing to send it to me, contact me by e-mail to martin par. Thanks to all! In today's patchdiag. I have added a workaround in the development version of pca. I had implemented a workaround in pca so these were shown nevertheless, and sent countless queries to Sun in the last 18 months. Thanks a lot to the unknown Sun engineer s who fixed this! Both take a URL as argument. By separating localurl into two options, it's now possible to specify different local sources for the patchdiag.

One example is to point patchurl at pca-proxy. For downward compatibility, localurl is still recognized, and its argument will be used as the value for patchurl and xrefurl if those are not set.

Well worth reading to get up-to-date on Sun's patch access policy. A new and simpler algorithm for automatic download of the xref file is used; if the file is older than three hours, pca will download it again.

The check for patches which require a reboot has been enhanced. After patch installation, pca will tell whether a reboot or reconfiguration reboot is required or recommended. In combination with the change in the URL for downloading the xref file, this creates a nasty problem: pca now downloads the xref file on every run. To stop it from doing that, you can use the nocheckxref option, either in a configuration file or on the command line.

Background: pca tries to be clever; it knows that every week from Monday to Friday at a certain time a new xref file is published, and from the timestamp on the local xref file it can guesstimate when a new one is available. When the new file should be there, pca tries to download it on every run. Until recently, it wasn't a big problem when Sun skipped a day which happens rarely anyway. Update : I decided to implement a much simpler algorithm for the automatic download of the xref file. If there is no local copy of the xref file or if it's older than one hour, pca will download the file from sunsolve or localurl.

If the local copy has been updated in the last hour, pca will use the file as is. This change does away with all the sophisticated guessing and checking if a new version might be available. The change is available in the development version of pca.

I have put a fix with the new link into the development version of pca. Please download and use this to make automatic downloads of the cross reference file work again. Thanks not to Sun for not announcing this properly in advance. The policy and URLs to download patches for Solaris 8 and 9 have changed as well.

Feed account data to pca via its user and passwd options, or by using --askauth. If you do not have a free! I will test the implications of the changes next week, and come up with an official version of pca including the fixes as soon as possible.

Thanks to all the pca users who reported the problem!


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